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Deprecated Relationships

These BEL v1.0 relationships are supported in BEL v2.0, but are slated to be removed in the next major version.


For terms A and B, A analogousTo B indicates that A and B represent abundances or molecular activities which function in a similar manner, but do not share sequence similarity or a common ancestor.


For term A and process term P, A biomarkerFor P indicates that changes in or detection of A is used in some way to be a biomarker for pathology or biological process P.


For term A and process term P, A prognosticBiomarkerFor P indicates that changes in or detection of A is used in some way to be a prognostic biomarker for the subsequent development of pathology or biological process P.


For term abundances A and B, A hasMember B designates B as a member class of A. A member class is a distinguished sub-class. A is defined as a group by all of the members assigned to it. The member classes may or may not be overlapping and may or may not entirely cover all instances of A. A term may not appear in both the subject and object of the same hasMember statement.


The hasMembers relationship is a special form which enables the assignment of multiple member classes in a single statement where the object of the statement is a set of abundance terms. A statement using hasMembers is exactly equivalent to multiple hasMember statements. A term may not appear in both the subject and object of the same hasMembers statement.

For the abundance terms A, B, C and D, A hasMembers list(B, C, D) indicates that A is defined by its member abundance classes B, C and D.


For complex abundance term A and abundance term B, A hasComponent B designates B as a component of A, that complexes that are instances of A have instances of B as possible components. Note that, the stoichiometry of A is not described, nor is it stated that B is a required component. The use of hasComponent relationships is complementary to the use of functionally composed complexes and is intended to enable the assignment of components to complexes designated by names in external vocabularies. The assignment of components can potentially enable the reconciliation of equivalent complexes at knowledge assembly time.


The hasComponents relationship is a special form which enables the assignment of multiple complex components in a single statement where the object of the statement is a set of abundance terms. A statement using hasComponents is exactly equivalent to multiple hasComponent statements. A term may not appear in both the subject and object of the same +hasComponents+ statement.

For the abundance terms A, B, C and D, A hasComponents list(B, C, D) indicates that A has components B, C and D.


For process, activity, or transformation term A and process term P, A subProcessOf P indicates that instances of process P, by default, include one or more instances of A in their composition. For example, the reduction of HMG-CoA to mevalonate is a subprocess of cholesterol biosynthesis:

rxn( \
 reactants(a(CHEBI:"(S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA"), a(CHEBI:NADPH), a(CHEBI:hydron)), \
 products(a(CHEBI:mevalonate), a(CHEBI:"CoA-SH"), a(CHEBI:"NADP(+)")) \
) subProcessOf bp(GOBP:"cholesterol biosynthetic process")